The Morning After


Made this shirt at 2 a.m. on my bathroom floor, because I needed a shirt to express life after 1989.

Because of my undeniable love of Taylor Swift, naturally, after I stayed up until almost 4 a.m. listening to her unimaginably breathtaking album and making this shirt on my bathroom floor, I woke up at 7 a.m. to make a Target run!

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

The polaroids on my mirror were included in the 1989 DLX album. Also my tattooed wrist says “Fearless.”

Usually waking up with only three-ish hours of sleep is not an easy thing to do for me, but this bright, crisp Oct. 27 morning was different.

When I awoke to the sound of “Blank Space” playing from my iPhone, I wasn’t blindly slapping around for my phone to snooze my alarm. I was jumping out of bed and dancing to the beat of the song I found love for only a few hours earlier.

In honor of the day, of course I had to wear a Taylor shirt!
The one I wore was available at Walgreens two years ago during the promotion/release of Red. It actually was a gift from a friends mom who surprised me with it, because she knew how much I love Taylor.
Friends’ parents are the best.

Two of my very best friends and I have a group message and a lot of times we send each other videos. We all live across the state of Texas, so doing this makes us feel closer. Here are the videos of my morning adventure to purchase the deluxe version of 1989 that I sent to them.

This is a video of three snapchats I sent to friends and added to my snapstory after listening to the album a few times.

Now You Are In Love (with Taylor Swift), you’re welcome,

Ashley xxx

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