So busy I haven’t even painted my nails

I feel like I’m finally getting to the point where I’ve figured out how this semester is going pan out.

In the past, I’ll admit, I haven’t always made time or effort to actual read the reading assignments. This semester that’s definitely not how it’s going to work. I mean, I guess I could not read and just fail and not learn anything–but why would I do that?

Especially since I’m finally taking all PR related classes except college algebra, I’m so into school! I mean, I’m always into school but this semester is like 13 levels up.

We’re one day past the two week mark, and I just have this feeling I’m going to love this semester.

I’m taking PR Strategies with a hilarious professor; Applied Media and Theories with a professor who loves Taylor Swift so much that we’ve already talked about her twice and watched the ‘Blank Space’ music video; Intro to EMC where we watch YouTube videos for learning examples; Digital Media and Production where I’m learning to code and it’s so exciting and scary at the same time; and College Algebra and y’all… Praise the LORD that I got an Graduate Teacher because she was literally sent to me from the heavens. She’s so nice and explains each lesson thoroughly and I’ve never been more grateful for a math teacher.

Also I’m more involved in the organizations I’m a part of, which is always exciting. I just applied and was interviewed for a position at my school’s online publication (I’ll let you know how it turns out).

My best friend Dillon and I bought tickets to the first leg of The 1989 World Tour (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and we are probably going to see Rixton and Ariana Grande in April (!!!!!).

I’m applying for internships I’ve always dreamed of (FINALLY!).

I’m planning and organizing content for my YouTube channel, which I hope to grow over the next few months.


Hopefully my plan follows through and I’ll be able to get back to posting regularly!


If you didn’t see this, you should watch the video below where I recreated Taylor Swift & The GRAMMY Effect! 🙂

Also, here’s a pic from when it snowed a few days ago.


See you soon!


P.S. The headline does not lie. I’m walking around campus with naked nails and I’ve never felt more self-conscious about my fingers, hahaha.