Ready To Run

My Body Is ‘Ready To Run’

ATTENTION ALL: One Direction has released another song off their album “Four” and it has me feeling some type of way.
This morning as I was getting ready for school the One Direction twitter account (@onedirection) kept blowing up my promoting the song release if fans reached a certain amount of shares and whatnot.
I obviously helped with this, and was sitting in yearbook (where I have a deadline) when I glanced at twitter and saw the song was available!!!

I preordered the album (which you can do here) and I don’t know why, but my preorders never immediately download from iTunes which causes me a lot of anxiety, because other people are already blessing their ears with the beautiful voices of Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis while I am going 90 mph trying to cancel my preorder and then preorder it again so the song downloads.

Day in the life of a fan girl.


So yes, I’m sitting here freaking out all by myself (what else is new) and I feel like it’s a race against the clock to get this post up.

I have economics in exactly 11 minutes and I’m going to be so distracted during it, it’s not even worth going… But I obvi have to because……………..

School >


Check out my reaction video!

Talk soon!
Ashhhhh x